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Cala del Forte

Cala del Forte is an exquisite, brand new, state-of-the-art marina located in Ventimiglia, Italy. only 15 to 20 minutes from the Principality of Monaco (7.9 nautical miles).


Founded in 2002 by the city-state of Monaco, Monaco Ports (SEPM), manages the ports of the Principality (Hercule and Fontvielle) as well as the new floating breakwater.

In 2016, in response to the ever-increasing demand for yacht berths and saturation in the ports of the Principality, Monaco Ports decided create SMIP (Société Monégasque Internationale Portuaire) and purchased the nearby port of Cala del Forte in Ventimiglia (IM).

The project was born from a desire to expand the company, but also aimed to push cross-border collaboration, create new jobs and demonstrate the company’s philosophy of sustainable port management, ecological responsibility, hospitality, service and security




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